Sunday, 7 July 2013

It's starting to sound like bacon

Much better for my third day. These are the results I wanted to end the week with so I'm pretty happy. A+
I'm still going too fast, for once I need to slow down so I won't complain. Monday we get our book and some classroom time. This is my booth, a nice little working space with everything you could ever desire. It even comes with a poll to lean on. Apparently they used to make them out of metal....the cinder blocks are a welcoming improvement.  In the photo its set up for a horizontal weld, they get hot quick because the heat doesn't know where to go so you have to take if and dip it in water after a few lines. crazy.
I went out this weekend and found some headbands to help stop the buckets of sweat that pour off my face while I work.  It was either that or botox my forehead.


  1. Super good! What's the scale in that photo? Lines the width of a cigar? a pencil?

    Awesome stuff, Stace.

  2. Liane
    I think that square is 6x6 inch. A good weld should be flatter, about half inch..they are overlapped a bit in the photo, its your instinct to go fast, so at first they are too skinny.
    The Photos I posted today of the test pieces, the gap I'm filling is 13mm x 3/8 and it takes about 9 passes to fill. Sometimes more or less depending on how they go. The electrode (stick of metal I'm burning down) is 2mm of metal with a coating over it that makes it a bit thicker...
